20 September 2010

Stone resources 'change migration story'

A research workforce reports new findings of stone age equipment that advise people came "out of Africa" by land earlier than has been believed.

Geneticists estimate that migration from Africa to South-East Asia and Australia took spot as not too long ago as 60,000 a long time ago.

But Dr Michael Petraglia, of Oxford College, and colleagues say stone artefacts present in the Arabian Peninsula and India point to an exodus beginning about 70,000 to eighty,000 a long time ago - and maybe even earlier.

Petraglia, whose co-workers involve Australian and Indian researchers, introduced his suggestions in the British Science Festival, which is hosted this yr at Aston College.

"I think that several populations came out of Africa inside period in between 120,000 and 70,000 a long time ago," he stated. "Our proof is stone equipment that we can date."

Many of the equipment are from far inland - a huge selection of kilometres in the coasts. This implies it was more likely people migrated by land than in boats, he stated.

The equipment are present in places which might be often extremely inhospitable now, but which in the time would happen to be considerably more conducive to migration.

"During the period we're talking about, the environments have been basically extremely hospitable," he informed BBC News. "So exactly where you'll find deserts nowadays, there utilised to become lakes and rivers, and there was an abundance of plants and animals."

The workforce observed the stone equipment - ranging from a few of centimetres to virtually 10cm in dimension - in layers of sediment that they can date working with sand and volcanic materials observed over and under the implements. The equipment have been mostly either spear heads or scrapers.

In particular, some equipment have been sandwiched in ash in the popular Toba eruption that geologists can date extremely precisely to 74,000 a long time ago.

Other species of early people plainly left Africa just before our species (Homo sapiens), but Dr Petraglia's workforce thinks that the equipment it has observed are the form manufactured by current people - and not individuals of Neanderthals, for example.

Prior research has leaned heavily on examining the genetics of various current populations to learn how very long ago they shared a common ancestor - their African common ancestor.

Professor Chris Stringer, from the All-natural Historical past Museum in London, stated this genetic data confirmed people left Africa around 60,000 a long time ago or much more not too long ago.

source: bbc blog

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